Thursday, February 6, 2014

        I am not looking forward to doing this essay at all. Its not the topic thats the problem its just the four to six page aspect of it. I wish I was one of the people that could rattle off enough words for that many pages and organize it in a manner that would make since and flow right. Sad to say im not one of those people who can do that, but on the plus side i am well equipped with books and an excellent teacher :) to walk me though it along the way. In the St. Martins Guide to Writing, it tells you that there are three things that make a well told story: Construct an action sequence, use dialog, and finally organize the story around some type of drama to build up the suspense. Hopefully by following these guide lines i can mold my essay into a good one. 
         Now, my stance on tattoos is obvious because i have them. I believe tattoos are a great way to express yourself and your beliefs, your ideas, and your views on life.  Tattoos are everywhere now an days and are becoming more acceptable and popular. With all the styles and types of tattoos i think some day they will be just a normal part of life and not looked down upon.